Technical Specifications
No Bleed (standard): leave a 1/8" margin on your stickers from the trimline
Bleeds (extra cost): add a 1/8" bleed to your artwork past the trimline
Live Area: even if you require a bleed on your stickers, please keep all critical text and critical artwork 1/8" inside the trimline
Colours: supply your files in spot colour only (CMYK or RGB colours will be rejected) 1 colour or greyscale stickers can be supplied as a rasterized file (PSD, TIFF or JPEG), indicating spot colour in order notes, however 2 and 3 colour stickers can only be printed from a vector-based file.
Foil Stamping | Embossing: Include a separate file/artboard with these elements coloured in 100% black or a custom spot colour to denote each element. Alternatively, if you would like to include these elements in the same file, place each element on a separate layer in 100% black or a custom spot colour.
Resolution: 300 dpi minimum (400 dpi preferred)
Fonts: fonts must converted to curves/outlines (we do not accept fonts).
Transparencies: flatten all transparencies
Types of files we accept: MAC & PC files from Photoshop (PSD), Illustrator (EPS or AI), CorelDraw (CDR or EPS), Adobe Acrobat PDF, TIFF or JPEG.